EcosystemEcological system formed by the interaction of coacting organisms and their environment (a community of interdependent organisms together with the environment which they inhabit and with which they interact).
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool used to assess the significant effects of a project or development proposal on the environment.
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)It is a highly efficient filtration device that removes fine particles, like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit.
EmissionAny solid, liquid or gaseous substance coming out of any chimney, duct of flue or any other outlet
Emission capA mandated restraint, in a scheduled time-frame, that puts a “ceiling” on the total amount of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions that can be released into the atmosphere. The Kyoto Protocol mandates caps on the greenhouse gas emissions released by Annex-B countries/ Parties
Emission FactorFor stationary sources, the relationship between the amount of pollution produced and the amount of raw material processed or burned. For mobile sources, the relationship between the amount of pollution produced and the number of vehicle miles travelled. By using the emission factor of a pollutant and specific data regarding quantities of materials used by a given source, it is possible to compute emissions for the source. This approach is used in preparing an emissions inventory.
Emission InventoryAn estimate of the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere from major mobile, stationary, area-wide and natural source categories over a specific period of time such as a day or a year.
Emission reduction unitThe emission reduction unit (ERU) is an emissions unit issued under a Joint Implementation project in terms of the Kyoto Protocol. An ERU represents a reduction of greenhouse gases under the Joint Implementation mechanism, where it represents one tonne of CO2 equivalent reduced.
Emission StandardThe maximum amount of a pollutant that is allowed to be discharged from a polluting source such as an automobile or smoke stack.
EmphysemaDamage to air sacs leading to loss of lung elasticity and acute shortness of breath.
EnvironmentThe sum of all physical, chemical, biotic and cultural factors that affect life of organism in any way.
Environmental indicatorsCharacteristics and factors for determining present and future conditions of the environment.
Environmental lawRules and controls of conduct in environmental/ natural resources affairs which are prescribed by or accepted by the governing authority of state and enforced by the government and the courts. Environmental law may derive from a Constitution, Legislative Acts, administrative rules, or common law. The body of law regulating or incidentally .affecting the relationships between humans and their environment.
Environmental managementVarious international, state and local measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rationale and sustainable allocation and utilisation of natural resources, the optimisation of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations.
ExposureThe concentration of the pollutant in the air multiplied by the population exposed to that concentration over a specified time period.
Exposure AssessmentMeasurement or estimation of the magnitude, frequency, duration and route of exposure to a substance for the populations of interest.