Basic Science - APCC

   Atmospheric Pollution
Atmosphere is the gaseous cover surrounding a planet that is held in place by its gravitational force. Today Earth is the only known planet in the universe whose atmosphere furnishes Life. The existence of Life on Erath is possible because of the unique composition of its atmosphere having a mass of about 5 x 1018 which has been formed because of biochemical modification happening since billions of years. Based on the temperature Earths atmosphere is divided in to distinct layers viz. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere.....
   Climate Change
Climate refers to the behavior of atmosphere over a longer period of time and usually for a larger area. Climate is typically defined based on 30 years average weather. Hence we can say climate represents our expectations for weather. Eg. Climate tell us how warm will be a typical summer, how cold will be a typical winter, how frequently we expect the precipitation in the year etc. A regions climate is generated by climate system which is consist of Atmosphere, Hydrosphere....
   Acid Rain
Pure water has a pH value of 7 (neutral), but rainwater falling in the atmosphere always contains impurities. The atmosphere contains natural acids including CO2 (a weak acid); nitric acid produced naturally from NOx emitted by lightning, fires, and soils; and sulphuric acid produced by the oxidation of sulphur gases from volcanoes and the biosphere. It also contains natural bases, including ammonia (NH3) emitted by the biosphere and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from suspended soil dust. CO2 alone at natural levels would result .....
   Geographical Scenario of Acid Rain
It has been found that potential neutralizer of the acidic components of rain water in Indian region is Calcium which is mainly naturally derived from the soil. As the soil of the most part of Indian land is Calcareous, it contains abundance of calcium. So, the Indian soil has as yet put a check on the acidification of rain water, but how long? There have been many reports of acid rain in India in the past and that too ....
   Ozone Depletion
Ozone or trioxygen O3, is an inorganic molecule with three oxygen atoms bound together. It is unstable and highly reactive. It plays a vital role in the atmosphere. Most of the atmospheric ozone (85 - 90%) is concentrated in the stratosphere layer between 15 to 30 km above the earth’s surface. Ozone in this layer absorbs the harmful ultraviolet rays (UV) coming from the sun and thus known as “GOOD OZONE”. 10-15% of ozone resides in the troposphere region and comes...